in Rochester, MI

Complete Dental Care With Dr. Tarabin

Comfortable Care With No Worries

If you suffer from dental anxiety, visiting the dentist can be a traumatic experience. Some patients find it so nerve-wracking that they stop visiting the dentist altogether.

Dr. Tarabin wants to see all our patients get the best possible care. That’s why we feature three sedation options for patients who want to experience their dental treatment in comfort: Nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation.

Alpine Dental Center
Alpine Dental Center

Why Patients Choose Sedation

Every year, millions of Americans avoid essential care because of dental anxiety. Dental sedation helps these patients relax so they can get the treatment they require for a healthy smile.

Other types of patients that can benefit from sedation dentistry include:

  • Patients who suffer from a gag reflex that’s triggered when any type of object is placed in their mouth.
  • Patients who have sensitive teeth or a low pain threshold.
  • Patients who require extensive treatment can receive their care comfortably, with fewer appointments.

Learn more about your three sedation options at Alpine Dental Center.

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide has been used by dentists for decades. It’s administered through a small mask that’s placed over the patient’s nose. As you breathe in the gas, you’ll experience a feeling of relaxation and euphoria almost immediately that will last through the duration of your procedure.

Though some patients believe nitrous oxide knocks you unconscious, this isn’t the case. In fact, you’ll be awake the whole time and responsive to Dr. Tarabin’s requests as needed, though you probably won’t remember much about your treatment after it’s finished.

The effects of nitrous oxide subside almost immediately after your treatment ends, so you’ll be able to drive yourself home if you choose this option.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation offers total relief without using an IV. All you have to do is take a small pill roughly an hour before your appointment. By the time you arrive at our office, you’ll feel a sensation of calm that will help you stay relaxed throughout your visit.

Much like nitrous oxide, you won’t actually lose consciousness or go to sleep at any time. You’ll remain awake and alert throughout the procedure. However, when the sedation wears off, you’ll have little to no memory of the procedure.

The effects of the medication typically linger for an hour or two after your appointment, so you’ll need to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home.

IV Sedation

The final sedation option that we offer our patients is IV Sedation. We have a licensed anesthesiologist on call to provide this type of sedation. It will help you feel comfortable in the dental chair so you can get the treatment you need.

The IV sedation process begins when we administer a special sedative that takes effect right away. You’ll remain conscious, though you’ll be in a deep state of relaxation and you’ll have no memory of your procedure upon waking.

IV sedation wears off more quickly than oral conscious sedation, but the effects may linger for some patients after the procedure. As a result, you’ll want to arrange for someone to drive you home after your appointment.
